==> Solve the background ============================================ Info about cosmology class [LCDM]: ============================================ OmegaB: 0.05 OmegaCDM: 0.267 OmegaM: 0.317 (total matter) OmegaNu: 3.76583e-05 OmegaR: 5.44377e-05 OmegaRtot: 9.20959e-05 (total radiation) OmegaLambda: 0.682908 OmegaK: 0 A flat Universe Neff: 3.046 h: 0.674 TCMB: 2.7255 K H0: 2.18429e-18 1/sec Physical parameters: OmegaBh2: 0.0227138 OmegaCDMh2: 0.121292 OmegaMh2: 0.144005 OmegaLh2: 0.310229 OmegaKh2: 0 Mat-rad equality redshift 3441.06 Mat-DE equality redshift 0.291519 Acc. exp. starts redshift 0.626702 Equality scale: 0.0105025 1/Mpc The age of the universe 13.7665 Gyr Conformal time today 46.0186 Gyr Conformal distance today 14.109 Gpc ============================================ ============================================ All the recorded timings: ============================================ Total elapsed time for [ All CMFB]: 0.075036 sec Total elapsed time for [ BACK::solve the background]: 0.0563307 sec Total elapsed time for [ Splining 1D...]: 0.00703104 sec ============================================